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2022’s Best Operational Solution for Property Preservation Companies

While we step into the year 2022, we see every sector tasting magical growth with the power of outsourcing. Whether it is Recruitment, Accounting or even Marketing, most functions are now Outsourced.
It is a fact that majority of the Property Preservation Industry is way behind in terms of the optimum utilization of outsourcing compared to the other sectors, a few companies have started to yield its benefits. Slowly but steadily, companies are joining the league to outsource their entire back-office or parts of back-office services. Along with these companies, various contractors/vendors have started relying on their operational partnerships with outsourcing companies as well.
An outsourced partner is a bridge between vendors/contractors and property preservation companies. They help with various back-office functions like bid creation, bid scrubbing, quality data audit, data migration, etc. To make the support stronger, outsourcing partners also offer 24×7 functional support, dedicated resources that helps save time and cost.
Let’s deep dive into how these services from an outsourced partner can help small and large property preservation companies.

1. Bid Scrubbing and Bid Estimate:

Bid Scrubbing and Bid Estimates are significant back-office operations for any property preservation company. The complexity of the tasks, history of errors with the operations due to the overloaded in-house team, are some of the well known challenges of these companies.
Today, an outsourced partner with an experienced team can easily overcome these challenges, and clients no longer juggle between these tasks and other essential operations. With an outsourced partner, it becomes easier for property preservation and inspection companies to overcome the task of bid scrubbing. With the support of their team of experts, the outsourced company helps these companies check the photographs of the property and helps them identify what amenities need the preservation/maintenance work. They also help property inspection companies in identifying if the property is vacant or occupied. Once the amenities are identified, the next step becomes associating with actual costs. Based on the data collected in the Bid scrubbing stage, an estimate is prepared that corresponds to what needs to be fixed, maintained, or bought for the property. A team of professionals oversees the entire process to make it hassle-free and efficient for the property preservation company.

2. Data Audit:

Checking thousands of images to see if the work has been done at par with all the rules and regulations is a herculean task, and this is where an outsourced company comes handy. These outsourced partners perform the data audit on the client’s software making it easy to prevent the constant need to monitor the task in order to avoid the errors that were borne owing to the untrained or over-occupied in-house employees. Owing to the success ratios with other back-office operations, doing successful trial orders, and identifying the caliber and training of the outsourcing teams by comparing the before and after pictures of the property, the outsourced partner can help the property preservation company ensure that all the maintenance and repair work has been done according to the rules and is adhered to by the highest quality and standards.
Today, various Property Preservation Companies regard this service as a game-changing outsourced solution for them.

Fast, On-time, and Accurate Outsourced Property Preservation Support that helps you Reduce Costs and Process More Orders

3. Data Migration:

Data Migration is the first-ever operation from the real estate industry to sail on the ship of outsourcing. An outsourced partner can help property preservation companies transfer the data from the client’s systems/software to their client’s systems/software or their choice of software. This saves a lot of time and effort on the part of the organization and helps them be in the loop in an easy and effective way. This allows their in-house resources to focus on business growth.

4. Title Search:

Looking at the multiple possibilities of back-office services through outsourcing, the property preservation companies have now approached their outsourcing partners for title search services. The outsourcing company can help capture the property information from the registry documents – online, checking the title fees, creating the invoice, and uploading all this in the client’s system.

Are you looking for an outsourcing partner that can do all of the above? Book a meeting with IMS Datawise and start saving more time and money!

It’s time to pocket the rocket momentum of 2022 with the power of outsourcing.
Email us at [email protected] to know more.