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How can your outsourcing partner help you with the Title Search Work order?

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a challenging atmosphere for lots of us, globally. Various businesses have been affected in so many different ways. Recent reports suggest the real estate industry has been particularly affected, with mortgages coming under forbearance due to the economic impact of COVID-19. As families consolidate or abandon their properties due to rising costs or inability to pay mortgages, there will irrefutably be a surge in properties being vacated.
We are an Outsourced Property Preservation & Inspection audit and bids creation company. We partner with Property Preservation companies across the US to support them with activities such as Property Preservation and Inspection auditing, invoicing, valuation summaries, bid creation and processing, interpreting and analysing crew reports and quality control and compliance. Within this bundle of vital services, we now added the very essential feature of ‘Title Search’.
We offer a comprehensive gamut of title services to handle legal obligations. We understand the intricacies and tangles of the mortgage industry and deliver solutions to streamline business processes.
Precision leads to better performance and that it exactly what we are trying to do here. Our aim is to ensure you get all services under one roof saving crucial time, resources while optimizing the process of finding the owner, determining the property rights and so forth.
As most Property Preservation and Inspection companies in the USA await an update inspection guideline from the government on maintaining properties during the current climate, now is the right time to strategize and analyse how to manage the audits of increased work orders and create bids quickly, accurately and cost-effectively.


As demand for work rises due to COVID-19 pandemic many businesses need to balance increased cost with demand. Outsourcing work enables you to scale up volume with spikes in demand without the increased cost of overheads to maximise your bottom-line and speed of efficiency. These uniquely difficult times have taught all business owners that cost, flexibility and process efficiency are key to business success.
At IMS Datawise, the team is equipped with dual screens and a direct phone line to communicate with clients as required. We offer up to 100% accuracy in our deliverables and many of our clients have made a cost saving of more than 50% through outsourcing to us, in comparison to completing the same activity in-house.
Have questions? Connect with us at [email protected], to know more.